The Swedish "Vision Zero"
Objective: zero deaths and serious injuries from traffic accidents
Why is it important to carry out prevention, awareness and road safety education campaigns in children?
-Because road accidents are avoidable.
- Because only through continuous road safety education it is possible to continue reducing the number of killed and injured children
- Because school age is the best time to acquire, update, complete and expand children capacities, knowledge, skills, aptitudes and competences
- Because including road safety education within the learning process will help to achieve the acquisition of a scale of social values, which allows current children to act appropriately as a pedestrian, cyclist, motorist, passenger or driver.
- Because continuous driver education helps to get safer people now and in the future.
Values to work: respect, tolerance, responsibility, coexistence, solidarity
Main contents to be treated
Ø Knowing the different ways of getting around the city and especially on the way to school.
Ø If you are a pedestrian: risks, knowing the basic rules to be a good pedestrian, distractions, technological pedestrian.
Ø As bicycle drivers or VMP, norms and safety measures. Interaction with pedestrians and other vehicles.
Ø As passengers, in a car, bus or public transport, CRS and seat belt, airbag, headrest. The safest places to get on and off the car and bus. How to be a good passenger.
Ø Consequences of recklessness.
Safe school paths should be promoted in order to enocurage travels on foot, by bike or by public transport on the way to and from school.
Why are these types of campaigns necessary?
To fullfill the objectives of Primary Education according to Article 17 (LOE): "Promote road safety education and respectful attitudes that affect the prevention of traffic accidents."
- To help compliance with the Strategic Road Safety Plan 221-2030:
- Reduction in the number of serious injured by 50%.
- Help lower the death rate per million inhabitants.
- Reduction in the number of fatalities due to being run over, by 50%.
- Achieve zero child deaths due to incorrect or non-existent use of the child restraint system
- Promote road safety in the school environment including educational actions in the informal environment.
- To contribute to the objective of the UN General Assembly (2010) "Decade of action for road safety", to reduce deaths from traffic accidents another 50% from 2021-2030.
-To commit to compliance with the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals, set by the United Nations)
To ensure that all students acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge necessary to promote sustainable development, including through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, equality of persons with disabilities
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