On the 25th of November, 2008, the 8th edition of the “Insurance Solidarity Awards” took place and in which 13 NGOs were awarded. The act was celebrated in the Círculo de Bellas Artes in Madrid. It was presented by Francine Gálvez and it had the surprising participation of the magicians from the Abracadabra Foundation and the 25 children of the Mestizo Ballet of the Victor Ullate Dance Foundation.
The Instituto de Estudios Superiores Financieros y de Seguros (INESE) (Financial and Insurance Superior Studies Institute) organises these awards each year, they intended to encourage the solidary labour of the insurance sector by means of sponsorship of various initiatives, guided to favour the needy and unprotected.
AESLEME was one of associations that received one of the acknowledgements, specifically, the AXA prize for the “It Can Happen to You” prevention campaign.
The other NGOs that were awarded with the Insurance Solidary Award 2008 were: Adia, Fundación Konecta (Konecta Foundation), Mensajeros de la paz (Messengers of Peace), Fundación Prodis (Prodis Foundation), Fundación Vicente Ferrer (Vicente Ferrer Foundation), Fundación Gomaespuma (Gomaespuma Foundation), Aldeas Infantiles SOS (Children´s Village SOS), Fundación Teodora (Teodora Foundation), Amigos por África (Friends for Africa), AECC and Children´s Village.